sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010


Original title: Kureimoa
Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Action.
Director: Hiroyuki Tanaka
Author: Norihiro Yagi
Studio: Madhouse.
Original run: From April 3, 2007 to September 25, 2007.
Lenght: 26 episodes.

"Teresa... I'm still alive. I can almost hear you saying... that's the way it should be!"

Since Bleach that I didn’t had any anime like this… it got myself jammed, devouring episode after episode and this, is saying so damn much!
I’m expecting a second season and a couple of improvements since the actual ending would make it a bit weird and leave the feeling of something unfinished. Although, we already have 26 episodes within you’ll have some real fun watching the story flowing through many and well achieved, fighting scenes.
In the plot, humans coexist with the “Yoma”, sentient monsters that feed on human innards and are able to use the human form. There is also another kind, the half-yoma, half-human, mainly associated with an organization which trains them as warriors to protect humans from the yoma, for a fair amount of fee. These warriors are called “Claymores” based on their swords and only half-yoma women’s are recruited to fulfill these duties. At some point, a claymore will become a yoma too, and for that reason she’ll send a letter to her closest friend, requesting this closest claymore to get to her and kill her. Ultimately, when a Claymore realizes that her human side it’s fading and that soon she will reach the yoma status, her only wish is to die with consciousness and with his human side alive yet.
Each Claymore has a rank number which is based on their strength and ability within 47 possible ranks, each one corresponding to the number of regions of the world. They are also referred as the “Silver Eyed Witches” based on their appearance and cold nature. Even so, you’ll find them much more sensitive while watching the series than they appear to at the beginning, specially the key character, the 47th ranked claymore, known as Clare, who saves a small human boy: Raki. In spite of a bit annoying, he will be her companion and probably her second source of hope and strength in this anime. Well, about the other source, you’ll have to watch it, but believe me, it’s the main reason why “Claymore” it’s above all, a tale of revenge, with the plus that this “other reason” hoist even further the level of the fighting sequences.
The dynamic of the animation it’s really fluid and the graphics and colors also good. The story itself may not be the masterpiece of the decade, but its good enough and some of the remaining components lift to a lofty level.

Story: 8.5
Characters: 8
Voice performances: 8 (english version)
Design: 9
Animation dynamics: 8.5
Soundtrack: 9
Sound Effects: 8
Overall: 8,4

1 comentário:

  1. Este anime é simplesmente Fantástico!!! Musica de encerramento então.. brutal :D Sem dúvida dos melhores animes..

