Original title:
Erufen RitoGenre: Drama, Horror, Psychological.
Director: Mamoru Kanbe
Author: Lynn Okamoto
Studio: ARMS.
Original run: From July 25, 2004 to October 17, 2004.
Lenght: 13 episodes.
"Hurry up and take off your clothes.
Good girl.
Now, as you always do."Elfen Lied was a great experience for sure, I didn’t found many fights on it, but its physiological side is something like: BIG! It may be just my guess, but such a condensed anime (only 13 episodes) and within such characteristic approaches, led to a stronger bet in drama and in human mind rather than in action and fight sequences.
The plot take place in Japan, at some isolated facility, where some experiences with the new human race “Diclonius” come about. One of these, Lucy, is the main character of the series and her actions in the first episode turned it, probably, in the best entertaining episode of all the 13.

Certainly, this story will grant you a couple of sad feelings sometimes. It’s hard to opposite this since all the characters have to deal with rejection, loneliness, and even torture and several bad treatments, not to mention other situations like even a rape scene. They don’t have much, and some even don’t have anyone who cares about. In spite of everything, you’ll find that they all are cute, kind and really good persons without any bad feelings like revenge. Well, we’ll open here an exception for Lucy perhaps, but notice that even she was a good one at start and through all the pain, she will emerge into a second personality, probably the most pure of all, and I bet that this only comes out because of her primary essence and her will to believe in a better world.

Elfen Lied, breathe from the emotions, views and interactions between humans and “Diclonius” within an environment where the leader of the research will constantly attempt for the retrieve and neutralization of the fled product. Harsh scenes of social alienation, violence, abuse or nudity complete the polemic profile of the animation.
It is definitely worth to watch, mainly for its high point: the story, since the main components of this anime are just average.
At the end, the value of the humanity achieved a really pleasant ground to struggle.
Story- 9.5
Design- 7
Action dynamics- 6
Soundtrack- 8.5
Sound effects- 8.5
Characters- 9.5
Voice performances- 9